Educational Projects for Young Audiences
Macbeth - The Comedy of Witches is an educational mediation project for young audiences, aimed at children and pre-adolescents, linked to a puppet and musical performance.
With this project, Cie 1001 aims to implement puppet workshops (The Comedy of Witches) in elementary and middle schools, which will be connected to a small-scale performance (Macbeth), adapted from the work of William Shakespeare and directed by Sayeh Sirvani.
This format, which will complement the educational initiative, will be technically self-sufficient because it is important for us to reach audiences who are far from cultural and artistic offerings.
The Comedy of Witches
The project has already been carried out in various locations:
Collège Frison-Roche, La Broque (67), from January to June 2022, 120 hours of interventions for 120 students. Part of the La Fabrique-Grand Est residency program, artistic residencies in schools in the Grand Est region.
Espace 110, Centre Culturel d'Illzach (68), July 2022, sixty hours of interventions as part of the Cultural Summerprogram of the Ministry of Culture/Drac Grand Est, coordinated by Scènes et Territoires.
École élémentaire d'Humbercourt (80), January to June 2023, seventy hours as part of the Atelier Médicisprogram.
Collège de la Souffel, Pfulgriesheim (67), September to December 2023, fifty hours as part of the Gip-Acmisaprogram.
École élémentaire Mailly-le-Camp, July 2024, thirty hours of interventions as part of the Cabanes project in the Cultural Summer program of the Ministry of Culture/Drac Grand Est, coordinated by Scènes et Territoires.